Product Details
- 22,000 LCD TVs in APSRTC buses
- 26 Inch LCD Screens
- Providing high quality entertainment
- Digital quality of sound & picture
- Home theater on the move
Content Delivered to audiences (Entertainment/Infotainment)
- Movie Based : Movies/Mini Movies,Songs,Comedy clips, Film news, Remix etc
- Non- Movie based : Travel Shows, Short Documentaries ,Social awareness campaigns, Health Tips, Comedy Bits, Magic Shows, Talent shows ,News reports etc
- Content will be scheduled and played according to the routes, travel time ,bus type and the audience
Display Schedule & Play-out Mechanism
- 16 Hours of content display every day
- Full screen Commercial Breaks after every 15 minutes *
* L band , V band, Scrolling ads can be played all the time .
- Each commercial break of 4 minutes
- Program Content & Advertisements will be scheduled and managed remotely.
- Commercials breaks will be scheduled according to the travel time, distance, routes and the duration of the content played.
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